Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. This resonated poorly with me as a child and still resonates poorly with me. Long before I had heard this saying my soul had been nearly crushed by a word. As a result I feared words. I did not want to wield them clumsily and possibly crush someone else’s soul. As I grew older I also discovered we individually place weight on words, we individually add power or meaning to words. I can give a word the power to destroy me. I can also give power to a word to buoy me out of the depths of despair. Which makes me question Do the words actually have power? Or is the power added by each of us as we receive? Do we empower the words to harm us? Do we empower the words to strengthen us? We have to answer these question for our self, individually. While I work toward my answers I will purposefully work to put together words that educate, empower and entertain. And I will infuse my words with the essence of my soul.