sometimes life interferes with life

May 10, 2018

I am keeping up with the challenge I have waged on myself of writing a poem a day. And in the process I become aware of the speed bumps and obstacles that can be placed in our path to success. While I have kept up with the challenge I have not kept up with posting those poems to my blog. In this revelation I can identify how I placed an unnecessary obstacle of posting in two places in order to validate my task. When in actuality the task was to write. Posting the writing is an extra added bonus or an additional opportunity for failure. An easy add on that impedes the probability of success. In identifying this speed bump I am given a reference point from which to look back over my life and see similar patterns. I do not find it hard to find the similar. In assessing the pattern I pose the question to myself "How do I do differently?" How do I create a new pattern of success?". I am struck with the realization that identifying the pattern is the first step of doing differently. Identifying may not break the pattern yet I realize it is the start. I also realize that I have presented to myself the need to do different and identify that makes me at least two steps along the this path of my journey. Along this journey the learning never stops as long as the living is happening.

Dreamcatcher BF
