Miam day 3

Jan 22, 2015

After eating my breakfast at a little Italian(like) place in Miami Beach it was time to head over to the Fountainbleau hotel for another day of solution searching. Unlike many of the want to be TV moguls at the conference I am not trying to sell my concept for money, I am not trying to flip a script for cash. I am looking for a way to tell my stories on the little screen. I am looking for someone to pony up money to make it possible for me to make the TV programs I have developed. Day one I did just like everyone else in the place I went around looking to see what people were looking for and then trying to shape myself and my work into that thing. As I walked the three quarters of a mile from the inexpensive parking garage to the very expensive hotel I gave myself a pep talk. I braced myself for the day. Not a block into my walk I stopped bracing and changed my tune. I decided not to become what they were looking for. I decided to introduce them to me. I would not and should not change for them. I am unique. I have a unique story to tell. I just need to get the ear of the right person. I decided to listen to the angels. Let them guide me through the chaos. My plan was to talk to everyone, don’t try to sell anything just talk. I would ask “what kind of content are you looking for?” most of the distributors I spoke with told me they sell content they don’t buy it. Did I still have hay on my back from falling off the horse cart? In my mind I knew that in order to sell a product that you did not make you have to buy it somewhere and this is that somewhere. So many times my angels told me to move on. So I did. Why was I here? if all I was going to get were locked doors. I was not going to bang my head on the market floor so I decided to sit in on some panel discussions. i let my heart guide me not my head. What felt right did not always seem right. In the first panel discussion I was blown away it seemed the panelist were saying what I have said before. The were posing the same hypotheticals I have posed. It seemed that my angels were speaking. After the first panel I wanted to ask the panelist further question. I asked one of the panelist who is the content acquisitions guy for a major internet channel, “if I am nobody in the cyber world yet I have content of high quality how will you ever find it? His response: “Send me a link to your work” as he handed me his business card. Before he left the room I did not see him hand out another card. I wanted to check out the Jay Leno chat after that but moseyed my way there asking the security guards if they needed any chocolate. Heck many of the booths on the market floor had chocolates they were giving away why not share with the folks who are working the hardest? Only one guard accepted my offer of chocolate. Jay Leno spoke like an angel he said many poignant things that pertained directly to me. He spoke of authenticity. He spoke of keeping the skills sharp. Each panel seemed to speak directly to me. I did not feel like I was trying to find meaning yet I felt like I was finding it. There was even a moment that may lead to something down the line but I will leave that for another time. It was a fantastic day and yet I have nothing magnificent to say. Accept I was fully me today. I did not conform or contort or bow or bend to be anything but me and it felt great.

Dreamcatcher BF
